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“SUPER-STRENGTH ALOE VERA CAPSULES (180 Capsules)” has been added to your cart. View cart
''I don't usually write testimonials, but I did have to tell everyone what a great product Desert Harvest is. I started having IC problems about three years ago, thought it was recurrent bladder infections and saw a urogynecologist who diagnosed me with IC. His nurse practitioner turned me on to Desert Harvest. I was in such misery for a few months, and then when I started taking the aloe vera, it just resolved the issue. I still have to monitor what I eat and drink and avoid spicy foods, but this has just been a wonderful success story for me.''
''Aloe Vera has been a blessing! I've been in horrific pain from my IC and found this product and I feel like I can live my life again. If you have IC don't hesitate for a second on purchasing this product. I've been taking it for 2 years now and it works better than the expensive medicine the doctor prescribed.''
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Importer Address: Zuideinde 91, 1843 JM, Grootschermer, Netherlands | KVK 85447366 | BIVIO Medical B.V.
Manufacturere Address: PO Box 86, Ellsworth, ME 04605
085 400 87 87
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