Desert Harvest - Potent. Powerful. Pure.
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Affiliate Inquiries

Contact Desert Harvest

Desert Harvest is deeply grateful for the unwavering support from our customers, support groups, and healthcare providers. Your contributions are crucial to our mission of educating those in need about the benefits of our products. The positive experiences, reviews, and referrals you share play a significant role in helping us connect with more individuals who can benefit from what Desert Harvest offers.

We’re excited to invite you to join our Affiliate Partnership Program, an opportunity to earn commissions for every referral you make!

When a customer mentions you as their referral source during checkout, whether online or previously “over the phone” (now focusing on online communications), you will be rewarded with an affiliate commission for the lifetime of the customer’s purchases with Desert Harvest. Additionally, we can provide you with a unique coupon code offering a 10% discount for a one-time use, which you can share with your patients or customers in your practice, on your website, through emails, or on social media platforms.

Our compensation policy is straightforward: the more referrals you generate and the more they purchase, the more you earn. A unique aspect of the Desert Harvest affiliate program is the lifelong link between your referrals and you. This means you’ll earn commissions on their purchases whether they happen today, next month, next year, or even five years down the line!

If you’re keen to explore more about our Affiliate Program and how you can benefit, please reach out to us via email at [email protected] . Altough we currently don’t support the affiliate program, we might be looking into activating it in the future. As of now, any interest we will handled on a case by case matter. 
