FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
Desert Harvest Europe

We are your trusted experts in scientifically researched natural-origin Aloe Vera Supplements and products for pelvic, urinary, oncological, and sexual health since 1993 #1 Doctor-Recommended Aloe Vera Supplement for Interstitial Cystitis For 30 years, we’ve been committed to meeting the diverse health needs of the Interstitial Cystitis IC and Bladder Pain Syndrome BPS communities through the highest-quality Aloe Vera Supplements and Sexual Health and Wellness products. Our supplements and skincare contain no added parabens, are non-GMO, and are crafted with no fillers or artificial ingredients.
Desert Harvest Europe

We are your trusted experts in scientifically researched natural-origin Aloe Vera Supplements and products for pelvic, urinary, oncological, and sexual health since 1993 #1 Doctor-Recommended Aloe Vera Supplement for Interstitial Cystitis For 30 years, we’ve been committed to meeting the diverse health needs of the Interstitial Cystitis IC and Bladder Pain Syndrome BPS communities through the highest-quality Aloe Vera Supplements and Sexual Health and Wellness products. Our supplements and skincare contain no added parabens, are non-GMO, and are crafted with no fillers or artificial ingredients.
What to expect from Aloe Vera
Q: Will using Aloe Vera cure my condition?
A: Aloe Vera is not a cure for any condition. There are more than 200 ingredients in the aloe vera plant, and much research has been conducted on them since the 1930s. Some of these ingredients have medically beneficial properties, especially on the skin. Read more about the Benefits of Aloe Vera.
Q: How does Aloe Vera work for IC symptom relief?
A: Desert Harvest is unique in that the high concentration of nutrients in our Super-Strength Aloe Vera preserves the glycosaminoglycans (GAG) which adhere to the bladder mucosal lining, preventing potentially irritating solutes in the urine from reaching the bladder wall. Desert Harvest Super-Strength Aloe Vera coats the bladder with a protective GAG layer naturally, without harsh chemicals or side effects. Learn more.
Q: Does Aloe Vera have D-Mannose, and what are the benefits?
A: Mannose is found in many fruits, vegetables, and herbs. An herbal source of mannose is the aloe vera plant. Aloe Vera contains acemannan, which is a polysaccharide chain of mannose molecules. Other names for Mannose are Carubinose, D-manosa, D-mannose, and Seminose.
Preliminary clinical trials in Europe show Mannose may also treat or prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs). Research suggests mannose stops certain bacteria from sticking to the bladder walls. Scientists think that the bacteria stick to the sugar instead.
This helps the bacteria leave the body through your urine. Fewer bacteria in the bladder lowers your risk of a urinary tract infection. D-Mannose supplements are sold for bladder health. Since mannose is already found in Desert Harvest Super-Strength aloe vera capsules, there is no need to supplement additional D-Mannose to reap the benefits.
Q: How many Desert Harvest Super-Concentrated Aloe Vera Capsules should I take daily?
A: Based on our clinical trial and other studies, we recommend starting with 6 capsules daily, three in the morning and three in the evening with an 8-ounce glass of liquid. Some people can eventually find a maintenance dose of fewer than 6 capsules, and others might require as many as 12 capsules per day, but you won’t know until you experiment with your individual dosing needs.
IC patients should refer to our Recommended Dosage, which includes escalation protocols if a standard dose doesn’t work for them. After finding your ideal dose, it also provides recommendations for bringing flares under control and instructions for titrating doses to a maintenance level.
Q: I’ve been taking Desert Harvest Aloe Vera Capsules for a while now, and my IC symptoms are nearly gone, but now and then, I have a brief flare of my symptoms, usually associated with eating some acidic foods. Can I take more capsules to bring my symptoms back under control?
A: Absolutely! Many IC customers will take 3 to 6 capsules immediately when their symptoms flare and can experience relief within minutes to a few hours. You might have to maintain an escalated dose for a few days and then decrease your dose by one capsule per day until you find a maintenance dose that keeps you symptom-free most of the time. Learn more about dosage for flares and maintenance.
Q: What is Aloe Vera’s greatest contribution to good health, and is it a panacea for all diseases?
A: Probably the best way to answer this is to quote what Dr. Terry Pulse said, “If you can hold the progress of the disease in check and if you can stimulate and enhance one’s defense mechanism, which is your immune system, there are no diseases that your own body is not capable of conquering and aloe vera meets those principles.” No, we would not go so far as to say that it is a panacea, but aloe has been around for 4000 years and has obviously had great benefits to the body, or it would not still be used today.”
Q: I am a diabetic. Can I take Aloe?
A: Based on testimony and research, you can do it. You should closely monitor your blood sugar level, especially if taking insulin. Research using concentrated aloe vera in prediabetics and Type II diabetics has shown that blood sugar can be reduced by up to 55%. Insulin doses were either reduced or eliminated when study subjects added Aloe Vera in sufficient quantities to their daily diet. The mechanism is related to Aloe Vera’s beta-cell protective effects, inhibitory effects on glucose absorption speed, and modulation of liver enzymes. Read more about Aloe and diabetes and talk to your healthcare provider before adding supplements.
Q: Are there side effects when taking concentrated Aloe Vera?
A: Concentrated Aloe Vera with the anthraquinones removed (like our Desert Harvest products) has no known negative side effects. If you are allergic to aloe vera (<1% of the population), you may experience hives, trouble breathing, mouth and/or tongue swelling, profuse diarrhea, and/or vomiting. An easy way to test for aloe vera side effects or an aloe vera allergy is to empty a small amount of aloe powder from a capsule, mix it with water into a paste, and rub it on the inside of the elbow. You most likely have an allergy if you see a reaction within a couple of minutes, similar to hives.
Another possible reaction may be indigestion. Eating food for aloe to be effective is unnecessary, but food can help if you experience indigestion. It is also helpful to take calcium and vitamin D3 to help with acid indigestion, and you should always drink eight oz. of clear fluid with the capsules.
Q: Why did I feel “crappy” during the first few weeks of taking your concentrated Aloe Vera capsules?
A: Approximately 2% of our database population of more than 50,000 customers have recorded what is sometimes called a “die-off” reaction in the first few weeks of taking our concentrated aloe vera capsules. Sometimes called a Die-Off Reaction, Cleansing Reaction, Detox Reaction, or Herxheimer Reaction, a healing crisis often occurs when your body tries to eliminate toxins faster than they can be properly disposed of.
The Healing Crisis is often characterized by a temporary increase in symptoms during the cleansing or detox process, which may be mild or severe. You may feel worse and conclude that the food supplement is not working. But these reactions are instead signs that they are working and that your body is cleaning itself of impurities, toxins, and imbalances.
Such reactions are temporary and can occur immediately, within several days or even weeks, of a detox. Symptoms usually pass within 1-3 days but can last several weeks on rare occasions. If you suffer from a significant illness, the symptoms you experience during the healing crisis may be identical to the disease. Sometimes, discomfort during the healing crisis is of greater intensity than when you were developing the chronic condition. This may explain why there may be a brief flare-up in one’s
To help you feel better faster, take the recommended Super-Strength Aloe Vera dosage and drink plenty of clear liquid (especially water). This will help flush the toxins out of your system. Occasionally, a dosage reduction or temporary cessation may be required until you feel better.
It is important to seek the advice of your healthcare provider if your symptoms don’t subside within 2 weeks, as this would indicate you may not be in a healing crisis but may have another medical condition.
Finding long-term relief with Super-Strength Aloe Vera can take time and patience. Stick with the dosage recommendations and 3-month protocol.
Learn more about the Healing Crisis
Q: Why didn’t Aloe Vera help my condition?
A: According to our study and survey, Desert Harvest Super-Strength Aloe Vera does not work for 12.5% of IC customers. Not all aloe is created equal, so it may depend on what brand of aloe vera you are taking (dosage, quality, concentration, etc…). If the brand contains too small a quantity of aloe and its active ingredients, there could be little to no benefit.
You must also be vigilant with taking Desert Harvest consistently, spread out dosage during the day (3 in the a.m. and 3 in the p.m.), and give the process at least three months. Desert Harvest is the only aloe studied for IC specifically; thousands have experienced significant relief following the dosage protocol. Learn why you should choose Desert Harvest Aloe Vera vs. juice or other brands.